Oracle FAQ:Year end report 2006
From Oracle FAQ
This report documents the highlights and lowlights of 2006, OraFAQ's 11th year on-line.
OraFAQ Highlights[edit]
- The OraFAQ wiki was established.
- Move FAQ's into the new FAQ section.
- Gabriel Wicke from donated the domain name to us. This domain currently points to the OraFAQ wiki.
Forum statistics[edit]
- Topics created: 14,704 (up from 13,217 in 2005)
- Messages posted: 56,988 (up from 46,646 in 2005)
- Users registered: 12,350 (slightly up from 12,042 in 2005)
Congratulations of to the following users who became moderators in 2006: Littlefoot, Ross Leishman, JRowbottom, Jim Irvine and tarun dua.
Oracle-l Mailing list[edit]
14,076 mailing list posts were archived, down from 15,299 in 2005.
USENET News[edit]
50,004 USENET posts were archived, up from 43,226 in 2005.
Blogger platform[edit]
Users posted 34 blog entries on the OraFAQ (down from 40 in 2005).
Our blogger of the year is Natalka Roshak. Unfortunately, she accepted a new positon at Oracle and will not be able to post new blog entries in 2007.
2006 was a great year. Thank you very much to everyone who work so hard to make all of this possible.